Parking Lot Maintenance

(501) 945-3219

Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm


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  • Licenced / Insured
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  • Competitive Pricing
  • Family Owned
  • 24 / 7 Service

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We Offer 24 Hour Emergency Cleanup Service!

Any savvy business owner in Arkansas understands the importance of developing contingency plans and having an inclement weather policy. Government offices and schools have a lot of people affected by impassable roads and they also have the luxury of closing and letting their employees or children stay home until the storm has passed them by. Many businesses make it a point to stay open as much as they can, no matter what happens. Whatever the situation may be, you can always count on needing to clean up after a rain event or a natural disaster.

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We Service Customers with Both Concrete and Asphalt Parking Lots!

You might not have had the original choice of parking lot material when you leased your business office. Concrete parking lots cost about twice as much as asphalt, but they also last twice as long. Asphalt is much more affordable, but will predictably require patching and paving when they’re used frequently. Whatever the situation may be, our team at C & C Commercial Cleaner, Inc. is here to help!

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Our fleet transforms parking lots each and every night!

C & C Commercial Cleaner has been operating in Arkansas for four decades, and we offer regular power sweeping services to customers in over 20 communities throughout central Arkansas. Our customers don’t usually meet our drivers or see our trucks in action, but they do see an immaculately clean parking lot each morning when they pull into work.

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