Parking Lot Maintenance

(501) 945-3219

Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm


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  • Competitive Pricing
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Contact us today to keep your concrete and asphalt parking lots beautiful!

Whether you have an asphalt parking lot or a concrete parking deck, it’s important to pay attention to your long-term maintenance needs. Asphalt is the most economical way to pave a parking lot, and it can be driven on almost immediately once it’s been laid down. Concrete costs about twice as much as asphalt, but it lasts twice as long and doesn’t have to be patched up nearly as frequently. Many small businesses don’t have a choice when they’re leasing office space, but you should take the time to research both options if you’re constructing a business from the ground up. Our team at C & C Commercial Cleaner, Inc. is here to help you improve your business’ curb appeal, and we provide power sweeping services for both concrete and asphalt parking lots.

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We Have Arkansas’ Largest Fleet of Power Sweeping Vehicles Ready to Serve You!

C & C Commercial Cleaner opened for business in 1980 with a single sweeper truck, and we’ve had to add more vehicles to our fleet over the years to serve an increasingly growing number of customers. We currently service over 300 businesses in a ten-country area, and our fleet of vehicles works all night long to keep The Natural State beautiful. We sweep parking lots for all types of businesses, schools, government buildings, and churches, and we’re ready to make you our next lifetime customer!

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Our Experienced Drivers Sweep While You Sleep!

Many small business owners end their professional careers to chase their dreams, and they make many sacrifices to be their own bosses. They grew tired of working 40 hours a week for someone else and now choose to work 60-80 hours a week for themselves! But the best owners and managers understand the importance of delegation, and that’s where we come in.

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