Parking Lot Maintenance

(501) 945-3219

Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm

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We proudly offer 24-Hour on-call power sweeping services!

One thing all successful business owners have in common is rigorous advance planning. Whether you’re a franchisee following your parent company’s procedures or a local entrepreneur trying to get a small business off the ground, you must have effective systems in place if you hope to survive. But when it comes to natural disasters, all you can do is prepare to react quickly! Our team at C & C Commercial Cleaner, Inc. is standing by whenever disaster strikes, and we answer our phone 24 hours a day!

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We offer parking lot maintenance for both concrete and asphalt parking lots

If you built your office building from the ground up, you had the luxury of making every decision. You got to choose the floor plan, the construction materials, and even the types of trees and plants around the building and parking lot. However many small business owners who are leasing their office space might have made different decisions if they owned the property. Whatever your situation, our team at C & C Commercial Cleaner, Inc. offers around-the-clock power sweeping services for any surface. Whether you have a multi-story parking garage or a small asphalt lot, our trucks are just a phone call away!

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Our fleet of power sweeping vehicles keeps The Natural State beautiful!

Arkansas’ scenic beauty is known throughout the world, and there’s something for everyone to enjoy; whether you want to enjoy the world’s best hiking and fishing or simply “chillax” at one of our amazing state parks, it’s easy enough to find postcard-perfect views in every corner of the State. In our cities and suburbs, savvy business owners also understand the importance of adding natural beauty to their grounds, and many hire professional landscape designers so that they can welcome their customers with lush foliage and beautiful raised flowerbeds. The final step is ensuring that the parking lot or multi-story parking garage is free from debris, and that’s where we come in!

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