We offer emergency cleanup services 24 hours a day!
Every Arkansan knows that when it comes to the weather, you can always expect the unexpected! Whether it’s a winter ice storm, a heatwave, or a flash flood, Mother Nature changes her mind pretty quickly in The Natural State. At C & C Commercial Cleaner, Inc., we take a lot of pride in our commitment to helping our customers put their best foot forward. When a clean parking lot gets dirty, our fleet of power sweeper trucks springs into action.
We currently offer regular service to over 300 Arkansas businesses, and we’re ready to make you our next lifetime customer. We operate Arkansas’ largest fleet of commercial power sweeper trucks, and they’re standing by to help you improve your curb appeal. Many of our institutional customers schedule service several times a week, but we also offer weekly service for our budget-conscious customers. We service many small businesses, and our customers are surprised at how affordable that our services can be.
Our sweeper trucks are all operated by the most experienced and talented drivers in the business, and they’re equipped with GPS telemetry to help us support our drivers in the field. We keep backup drivers on call to ensure that our customers are always taken care of, and we offer emergency cleanup services if your parking lot needs attention between your regular service appointments. In addition to emergency cleanup after weather events, we can also help you clean up after a special event. If you’re hosting a sidewalk sale or a community block party in your parking lot, we’ll be there as soon as it’s over to return your parking lot to its original condition. Your employees and customers will be able to pull into a clean parking lot the following day, and it will be business as usual for your company.
We’re a family-owned business, and we’ve been serving Arkansas for over four decades. If our work ever fails to meet your expectations we’ll be there right away to make it right, and we stand behind our services with a 100% satisfaction guarantee!
If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, contact us online or at 501-945-3219.