Our sweeper trucks work all night long on our clients’ parking lots so they don’t have to!
Running a small business is hard work, to say the least. There’s an old joke about business owners being tired of working 40 hours a week at a job they hate so they can work 80 hours a week for themselves, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. But the most effective managers are great at delegating certain responsibilities in order to free themselves up to focus on the big picture. That’s where we come in!
C & C Commercial Cleaner operates Arkansas’ largest fleet of parking lot sweeper trucks, and we’re ready to give you one less thing to worry about. Your parking lot is the first thing that your customers and employees see when they pull in, and keeping it clean is the best way to make a great first impression.We’ll work with you to develop a schedule for cleaning that makes sense for your time and budget, and our sweeper trucks will be there when we say that they’ll be there. We guarantee it!
We offer regular power sweeping services to over 250 businesses in the Natural State, and owe our four decades of success to large amounts of repeat and referral business. Unless you’re a night owl or an early riser, you probably won’t see our trucks at work very often. But they’re there, and the proof is in a clean parking lot.
Our fleet of trucks are regularly serviced and maintained, and all operated by the best drivers in the business. Our trucks are equipped with onboard GPS navigation, which ensures a thorough job on every visit, and allows us to remotely monitor their progress. And if you ever need to clean up your parking lot after a special event or severe weather, our phone is answered around the clock!
If you have any questions, or would like to schedule a service appointment for day and night power sweeping services, contact us online, or give us a call at 501-945-3219.