Parking Lot Maintenance

(501) 945-3219

Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm


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  • Competitive Pricing
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  • 24 / 7 Service

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Focus on growing your business, and leave the sweeping to us!

Whether you just opened your doors or your company has been around for decades, it’s natural to think about your business around the clock. You want to be the leader in your market, and you’re never afraid to roll up your sleeves and put in as many hours as it takes. The most successful managers and entrepreneurs always lead from the front, but they also understand that they can’t be everywhere all the time. C & C Commercial Cleaner, Inc. is proud to offer trusted power sweeping services in Little Rock, and we’re ready to help you lighten your load!

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Three reasons curb appeal is so important for your business

Most small business owners and managers understand that they can’t do everything, and they know better than to even try; most “mom-and-pop” operations serve a specific need in a limited area and can’t easily be scaled up to compete with big box retailers or online retailers. But local consumers are always interested in supporting local businesses, and constantly seek out new and interesting places to eat, shop, and be entertained. You only have a limited time to capture and hold your prospective customers’ attention, and if they don’t like what they see, they’ll keep driving by! But our team at C & C Commercial Cleaner, Inc. has been in the curb appeal business since 1980, and we’re ready to help keep your parking lot beautiful!

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C & C Proudly Offers 24-Hour Emergency Cleanup Services!

The workday of every small business owner and manager is different. Some people have businesses that run like a well-oiled machine, thanks to clearly defined procedures developed through years of trial and error. On the other hand, some business owners aren’t quite as organized and never feel like they get anything done. But even if you’re one of those people who’s fortunate enough to leave the office by 5:00, it’s a good bet that your company is on your mind no matter what time it is and where you are. Effective managers all understand the importance of delegation, and our team at C & C Commercial Cleaner, Inc. is standing by to take a major responsibility off your hands!

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