Parking Lot Maintenance

(501) 945-3219

Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm

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C & C Offers power sweeping services for both concrete and asphalt parking lots!

Whether you built your facility from the ground up or are leasing the space, you have different maintenance requirements for concrete and asphalt. It doesn’t really matter what materials were used to pave your parking lot, as long as you keep it clean. After all, it makes the first impression for everyone who drives by or pulls in, and sets the tone for their experience as your client or your employee.

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At C & C Commercial Cleaner, we offer service agreements to fit any budget!

Most small businesses already operate on razor thin profit margins, and in the era of Covid, this is as true as ever. With so much month left at the end of the money, it often becomes a question of what fixed costs are necessary, and which are expendable. But with such heightened interest in cleanliness, it’s a good idea to make sure that you’re not shortchanging the money that you have budgeted for care and maintenance of your physical property. Curb appeal is a very important way to attract new business, and can often be the difference between a thriving business and one that’s forced to close its doors. Lean economic times are here, and you can’t afford to take any chances when it comes to cleaning.

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Do you operate a shopping center? A clean parking lot is a great way to attract new customers!

Even though brick and mortar stores are feeling the pain of the current global health crisis, customers will be back, and they have a lot of catching up to do. The only thing that we can do now is play by the rules, and ride things out until the pandemic is under control. That means taking care of our physical plant, and preparing for the future.

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